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Personalities & contemporary witnesses

Margarethe Luder


Margarethe Luder

"My husband Hans and I lived in the Thuringian village of Möhra as farmers, but moved to Eisleben because Hans wanted to try his hand at mining. Back then, we lived in a timber-frame house in the St. Peter’s quarter. That house is where I brought the first of our nine children into the world, an hour before midnight on 10 November in the year 1483. On the next day we went straight to the Church of St. Peter, just a few short steps from our home, and had the boy baptised. We gave him the name Martin, after Martin of Tours, whose feast day was 11 November. When the boy was about a year old, our family moved from Eisleben to the nearby city of Mansfeld."


Born around 1460 in Neustadt
Died on 10 July 1531 in Mansfeld
Mother of Martin Luther
Born Lindemann

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