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Personalities & Contemporary Witnesses

Barbara Cranach


Barbara Cranach

Barbara Cranach was the daughter of Jobst Brengebier, Gotha's councillor. Her exact date of birth is not known, but it is assumed that the 30-year-old Cranach the Elder married the 25-year-old Barbara around 1512. At that time Cranach was already a recognized and wealthy artist. Barbara gave birth to five children, including Lucas Cranach "the younger", and managed a large household.

Barbara Cranach and Katharina von Bora were close friends throughout their lives. Barbara had taken care of the former nun and prepared her to run her own household. Together with her husband Lucas she led Katharina to her wedding with Martin Luther and was the only woman present at the wedding ceremony.

Barbara Cranach died in December 1540.


Born in Gotha
Died in December 1540 in Wittenberg
Lucas Cranach's wife
Together with her husband she was witness to Luther's wedding

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