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Luther's places

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Luther's places

Market square, Lutherstadt Eisleben, Luther, monument, people

Lutherstadt Eisleben

Luther was born and died in Eisleben. Martin Luther was born here on 10 November 1483 as the first of nine children to his parents Hans and Margarete Luder. The world-renowned Reformer also died here in 1546.

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allstedt, castle, resin, street of romance, castle


The Reformer Thomas Müntzer was pastor to St. John’s parish church in Allstedt from 1523 to 1524.

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Castle Georgium, Dessau-Roßlau, Castle, Luther Trail, Meadow, Park, Garden Kingdom


George III. introduced the Reformation here in 1534 and in doing so officially acknowledged the Lutheran doctrine.

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Handel Monument, Red Tower, Halle Saale, city, tower, market, monument, people

Halle (Saale)

One of Martin Luther's most powerful adversaries lived here: Cardinal Albrecht, Archbishop of Magdeburg.

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City church St. Marien, Kemberg, Lutherweg, church, pilgrimage


Kemberg is justa few kilometres away from Wittenberg. Kemberg joined the Reformation in 1522.

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mansfeld castle, mansfeld-lutherstadt, schloss, lutherweg, pilgrimage, luther's mansfeld

Mansfeld Lutherstadt

Only the foundations of the first school Luther attended remain. However, every year on the first Saturday after Easter his first day at school is re-enacted and celebrated.

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Magdeburg Cathedral, street, evening mood, holiday street, Elbe, Elbe-Börde-Heide


When Martin Luther was just thirteen years old, he spent a year living in Magdeburg as a school pupil. He attended school there from 1497 to 1498.

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Luther's place, Naumburg, founder figure, collegiate church, Romanesque street, church, people


Naumburg's 1000-year history is also intertwined with Martin Luther and the Reformation.

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Detail of the Marienkrönungsaltar, Osterwieck, Romanesque street, figure, detail


The small town in the Harz Foreland played a leading role at the time of the Reformation: The inhabitants acknowledged the doctrine early on.

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City church St. Martini, Stolberg, Harz, Lutherweg, church, pilgrimage

Stolberg (Harz)

The theologian and peasant leader, Thomas Müntzer, was born in the Harz town of Stolberg in 1489.

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lutherstadt wittenberg, castle church, people, holiday, luther's wittenberg

Luther's Wittenberg

Luther lived and worked in Wittenberg. No other town is as closely linked to the Reformation as the Lutheran town on the river Elbe. It was here that the Reformation began . The historical Reformation ensemble has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996.

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St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Zeitz, Romanesque Street, Romanesque, Dom


In 1542, Zeitz became the focus of the Reformation: Nikolaus von Amsdorf was inaugurated into office.

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Zerbst, church, building


At the time of the Reformation, Zerbst was the largest and most important town in Anhalt.

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Logo Luther was here

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